+47 918 58 093Open
See Information about transport/taxi.
Ryphusan or Ryphussæteren is a mountain barn rebuilt to accommodate pilgrims, and one of the most distinctive accommodations on the pilgrim route.
After passing the highest point of Pilegrimsleden, you come down to a lovely pastoral valley - Vinstradalen. Ryphusan refers to the fields furthest into the valley. There are three farms in Oppdal that uses these fields for grazing. Vinstradalen is a parallel side valley to Drivdalen, where E-6 and the railway passes. The valley is V-shaped with a canyon in the bottom of the valley.
It is not possible to book Ryphusan. Here, the "first come, first served" principle applies. The cottage has 8 beds on large wooden bench, as well as 2 extra mattresses. A tent with 4 field beds is also available. It is important to note that the cottage is unattended. Everyone must bring their own sleeping bag and their own pillowcase.
Simple food can be bought at the cabin. It contains canned dinner dishes, butter, jam, crisp bread, oatmeal and more.
Payment for accommodation and food can be done by cash in a box in the cabin, by Paypal or Vipps. Giro with information can be found in the cabin.
As the cabin is located in the mountains (and is unattended), we want it to be reserved for individual hikers. We therefore ask commercial / organized groups to use other alternatives for accommodation. See Information about transport.

Dagrun Skorem Forbregd