Trysil/Rena - Tynset - TrondheimThe Østerdalen valley have a long tradition for pilgrimages. In the late Middle Ages there was heavy traffic between the Nidaros cathedral in Trondheim and Vadstena, home of St. Birgitta, in Sweden.
Another route used by medieval pilgrims from the south-east to Trondheim was from Värmland in Sweden along the river Glomma to Åmot. Today's path trough Østerdalsleden follow parts of both these old thoroughfares.
How to do a pilgrimage on Østerdalsleden?
The Østerdalsleden path passes through forests, mountain areas and some smaller valleys. Here you can wander in peaceful areas with varied and beautiful scenery, and rich wildlife. For those who want to focus on nature and want a pilgrimage on a low cost budget, this pilgrim path is a good choice.
Østerdalsleden can be done as one long trip, or divided into shorter stages. Large parts of the trail have the railway nearby (from Rena in the south to Singsås in the north), and train stations can make a good start or stopping point. To Trysil there are several buses, for instance an express bus from Oslo.
The main season for pilgrimage in Norway is in the summer between 1 June and 1 September. Please note that over the mountain area of Forollhogna, snow can remain until well into June (altitude 1,000 meters above sea level). Do not cross Forollhogna on foot when there is snow, then you should take the train from Tynset or Tolga to Singsås instead. Although the pilgrimage season in Norway generally lasts until 1 September, the Østerdalsleden can also be manageable throughout September, depending on the weather.
The Østerdalsleden path is only recommended for those who have prior experience with long hikes. The route is mostly marked, but you must be comfortable using a physical map and compass and/or GPS. You should bring a sleeping bag, and you must have clothes and equipment that makes you able to cope with varying weather, terrain and length of stages. Some areas may have poor mobile coverage. Planning can be done through our digital trip planner.
Where can I sleep and eat?
Accommodation along Østerdalsleden largely takes place in different types of cabins or on campsites, but there are also opportunities to spend some nights in hotels or traditional accomodations with a restaurant, or on active running mountain farms. The Østerdalsleden is also well suited for those who prefer to sleep in a tent (just remember the regulations of the right to roam).
Some of the cabins, especially along the southern part of the trail, have some stock of dry food that you can buy from. Some of the accommodations serve meals. You pass grocery stores along the way, and some of the small towns have cafés or restaurants. But be aware that along some stretches you will walk for several days without passing a grocery store, so plan this well in advance. All details can be found in our digital trip planner.
Two official starting points: Trysil or Rena
The eastern starting point is in Trysil municipality by the Swedish-Norwegian border. The engravings on the pilgrim milestone at the border in Lutnes will tell you that the distance to Trondheim is 379 km.
The western starting point is at Rena ( Nesvangen) in Åmot municipality. The pilgrim milestone here says 375 km to Trondheim. From this point you can walk thorugh Stor-Elvdal and Rendalen municipality before passing the retreat center Lia Gård, with it's pilgrim house. This part of Østerdalsleden meets the eastern part at the landmark pilgrim stone at Åkrestrømmen in Rendalen. From here, the two trails merge and continue to Trondheim.
After Åkrestrømmen, you wander through cultural landscapes and small towns. Then the climb up Fonnåsfjellet awaits - where you will be rewarded with a magnificent view of Rendalen behind you. You continue past Tylldalen with its pilgrim traditions, through Tynset, Vingelen and Dalsbygda, before eventually entering Trøndelag county at the foot of Forollhogna mountain. The pilgrim path continues through the National Park into mountain terrain. Be aware that the snow may be present well into the month of June up here, do not cross if there is still snow.
On the other side of the mountain, you first descend into Budalen, then over to Singsås. A few day marches later you can see the Nidaros Cathedral from Øyvindstjønna on the Vassfjellet mountain. The last kilometers before you reach the cathedral, you walk peacefully along the bank of the Nidelven river towards the city centre.

Foto: Knut Lillealtern

Foto: Knut Lillealtern

If you need more help or guidance, Pilgrim Center Trondheim is always ready to help you. Contact me, Toralf, and either I will answer you or I will connect you with local experts on Østerdalsleden.
These recommended hikes describe every single day along the Østerdalsleden
Stage 1A | Rena - Tynset
Stage 1B | Trysil - Tynset
Stage 2 | Tynset - Trondheim
Route suggestions along Østerdalsleden
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