Key Location | Cultural Heritage | Natural Heritage
The Gulating
Situated along Kystpilegrimsleia
A thousand years ago, before the Norwegian Parliament, Courts, and Courts of Appeal, our governance was centered around 'Things'.
The 'Things' were political assemblies with legislative, judicial, and executive powers. These 'Things' were the origins of our laws. Among them, the Gulatinget stood out as one of the oldest and largest assemblies in the Nordic region, giving rise to the Gulating Act, the oldest preserved law collection in the Nordic countries.
Located at Flolid, just 4 km east of Eivindvik, the Millennium City stands as a testament to the historical significance of the Gulatinget. In this beautiful park you can see Bård Breivik's monumental art installations, including the majestic "Tingveggen" (The 'Thing' wall).
Photo: Vidar Lie
Photo: Vidar Lie
Photo: Vidar Lie